I heard a Bible College student in a sermon one time say these words. Remembrance is the key to faith. That phrase struck hard. In fact it became a staple saying in the college ministry. Remembering what God has done and provided for you in the past, gives you the strength to move on and trust His will with faith in the future. It is absolutely essential to a faith that moves mountains. To look at your recent History, as well as those in your generation that have a great story of faith. We have a history and a “goodly heritage” of saints who told of Calvary, and of martyrs who laid down their lives for the cause of Christ. We can remember their story as well, because the God they spoke of is the one who lives in you and I. And when we remember these things, these stories, we know that we are not alone. We look to Him and His Glory, through the Giants that have gone on before us.
The scripture says to seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you... Seek Christ first, then the language barrier will be broken, Seek Christ First, then the need will be filled, Seek Christ first, and everything else just fades into the background.
The Puritan Theologian, John Owen, writes of this in “The Glory of Christ”
“For what are all the things of this life? What is the good or evil of them in comparison to an interest in this transcendent glory? When we have due apprehensions of it; when our minds are possessed with thoughts of it; when our affections reach out after it's enjoyments, let pain and sickness, and sorrows, and fears, and dangers, and death say what they will, we shall be able to combat them and overcome them; and that on this consideration, that they are all outward, transitory and passing away, whereas our minds are fixed on those things which are eternal and filled with incomprehensible glory.”
“Crux nil sentit in nervo, dum animus est in coelo” (One does not feel the pain of the cross when his mind is on heavenly things)
“It is a woeful kind of life when men scramble for poor perishing reliefs in their distresses. The contemplation of Christ's glory is the remedy and cure, the only balsam for all our diseases.”
When things start going wrong, or your next step is unsure, Seek Christ First, Remembering what He has done in your life, and in the lives of those who have gone before, that it may renew your Faith for the coming Journey.
// The day to day stuff can get kind of boring to read about, At least I would think so, but it is up to you, so If you want more of the day to day details, Let me know about it, Of course you could always come see first hand what that is about.//
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