Sunday, December 15, 2013

23 Months Gone

I know what you are thinking.
"You can't just disappear for almost 2 years and then come back like nothing happened."
Right, i know.
I have not been a good blogger, better yet i have not been a blogger at all for the past 23 months.
It is an atrocity that i am severely sorry for.

But i feel like i have learned a whole lot in these last 23 months that will make me better on this side of it.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, is that the saying?
That means all three of you that read this must really love me now.

I had toyed with the idea of starting fresh with a brand new blog, new URL, new everything.
But, i got to reading some of my old posts, and i think there are a few gems in there that are worth hanging on to.
Have you ever read something you wrote a long time ago, which at this point for me is everything, and said to yourself  "where in the world did that come from, who stole my keyboard and posted that gem.  I know i'm not smart enough to write that"
That happened to me.  I still can't find that keyboard thief, but the words are on my website, and has my name under them so i will take the credit for them if i must.

So a Recap of the past 23 months just to catch you up.
2012, or twentydozen as i affectionately referred to it
well, it was "meh."
that's all you get.
Part of it was fun and had some bright spots but i was for the most part broke, and Jobless for the last 4 months.
2013 has been much better, the Lord has seen fit to bless me indeed. But i don't know that i would be aware of it without the pit that 2012 was.  I am more aware of the small things than i would have been if i would have floated through 2012 with no trouble
So now that you are caught up,
2014 is right around the corner.
Maybe i can let you in on more of the Journey

1 comment:

Andy said...

I want more.