Saturday, March 13, 2010

Thoughts on Redemption.

Redemption has been a word that has resonated in my being for the last few months. It is a word with many connotations toward spirituality, and Christendom. Our Lives as christians hinge on the very act of redemption. Of being bought back by our creator because we sold ourselves into the slavery of Sin. Through the process of redemption, we are also on a journey of redemption, of forgiveness and making things right. This word, this action, this journey, engulfs the meaning and living out of the gospel. You cannot think of the gospel without redemption. That is why i chose this as the name of this mission. One could not think of redemption missions, without thinking of the Gospel of Christ. And may Him alone be Glorified.
Soli Deo Gloria
Redemption Missions

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